Click on Coast Watch Logo pic above for Teignmouth seafront webcams

Teignmouth population in 2021 was 15,312 and growing strong!


We like to promote Teignmouth as much as possible, so something to consider?


If every shopper spent an extra £10 locally each week, that would mean an extra £153,000 staying in the town, and in a year that would be £1.8 million!


Just think how that would benefit the local community..more jobs secured for local businesses and traders. Less use of cars to go to other shopping areas and of course the benefits to the environment.


Yes, one can say...”but I cannot get this or that in Teignmouth”

If a local shop is asked about a product they will generally try to get it in for you.


Ah yes, but it is cheaper to go to the bigger towns!”

Well it will not happen overnight, but with the town growing larger and more people coming to live in Teignmouth, that means more will spend locally. This means more shops would open to supply the ever increasing demand from new locals. This would of course benefit the existing residents and small business confidence.

The Bakehouse Delicatessen


Check out the delicious aromas emanating from this super new delicatessen, from the smell of freshly ground coffee to the tempting  aromas of freshly baked pasties, cakes and much more.

New Business opened in Teignmouth


To all our readers, Clive and Zac from Teignmouth fudge have now opened their new business venture, The Bakehouse delicatessen in the Triangle. Specialising in Pasties and other food interesting food snacks...besides what they call 'proper roasted coffee'.


It has a been a lot of hard work, not only conforming to all the new food regulations abut also getting all the shop equipment up and running from  bake off ovens to their superb Italian coffee machine. We have tested and can recommend that the coffee is some of the best we have tasted..and wish them sucess.

As a business that has been based in Teignmouth for over 24 years, we would encourage all readers to consider keeping a little more of your shopping spend in the town.

Many thanks for reading.

If you have comments on how to increase trade, email us: